transfer window

In just few weeks time, the transfer window for most European Leagues will be open again. This is the time where the manager will have the opportunity to bring in new faces to their club so that they can keep competing for major honors next season. The board member will gather in an annual meeting to decide about the amount of cash that will be made available for their manager.

As for Arsenal, I don’t really see the need of bringing in new players since we’ve already have few of the best in the squad. The problem regarding aging players seems to be put under control since new young guns have been emerging from the youth system. Most notably, players like Bentley, Fabregas, Flamini, Senderos, Aliadiere, van Persie and Owosu-Abeyie are likely to take the club’s future in their own hands in few years time.

Since we already talking about the transfer market, I’m thinking about giving my 2 cents regarding this matter. The area in Arsenal team that really needs a backup player is probably the forward area. As we can see, whenever we don’t have Henry fully fit, Arsenal spluttered in attack. Reyes has not yet comfortable with his role since he was originally a winger back in Sevilla. Bergkamp has a good vision so he is perfect for center forward but not as a striker since his finishing is not too sharp. Van Persie and Aliadiere still have not getting enough first team experience so the needs of a new striker increase.

In my opinion, a player that will perfectly fit in Arsenal attacking system would be Obafemi Martins from Inter Milan, but, it is unlikely that Inter will let him go for below than 20 millions pound. Since Arsenal money power is not as strong as their attacking power on the field, Arsene Wenger would probably needs to survey the market for much cheaper player. Aiyegbeni Yakubu of Portsmouth seems to be a good prospect, but, if Wenger would willing to take the risk, why not go Mateja Kezman who looks certain that he will be leaving Stamford Bridge next season.

There are also talks been going on about Real Madrid is leading the chase in signing Reyes from Arsenal, but, this is not the first time they do this. They have been doing this to Arsenal since the past 3 years! Before this, they said that they would get Thierry Henry but they failed. Last season, they were very close in signing Patrick Vieira but again, they failed. And now, it’s Jose Antonio Reyes. They even once offered Arsene Wenger a job when they fired Carlos Quieroz last season.

It would be wise for Wenger to keep Reyes since he is already growing to become a Premiership player. But, if they ever thinking about selling him to Real, better makes it a very good bargain. For example, exchange him with Michael Owen perhaps? He would definitely roaring to go back to England and his partnership with Henry would be a cracking one.

In the midfield area, nothing much that they could do. In fact, they would better keep the current midfielders since they were doing a tremendous job throughout this season. Ljungberg and Pires was awesome in supplying the ammunition while Vieira alongside Gilberto has produced a good partnership in the middle. David Bentley who is on loan at Norwich seems to be an ideal future replacement for Pires. With young talents fast grooming such as Fabregas and Flamini, Arsenal midfield’s future is in safe hand.

The same story goes for the defenders since they all did a good job all over the season. Ashley Cole, Kolo Toure and Lauren are still in their prime while the aging Sol Campbell still has a lot to offer for the club. If there’s a time when Campbell decides to hang his boots, than we have young Phillipe Senderos to replaced him. Other young players also starting to emerged to the first team, most notably Gael Clichy, Owusu-Eboue and Justin Hoyte.

My main concern would be the goalkeeper since Jens Lehmann is not becoming any younger. Although Wenger keep David Seaman at the club right until he was 40 years old, I don’t think he will do the same for Lehmann. He is a great goalkeeper but he makes too many mistakes, and usually, big mistakes. Younger goalkeeper needs to be brought in and I would fancy the likes of Carlo Cudicini of Chelsea as a perfect replacement, although it seems like ‘near impossible’ that Chelsea would sell him to their biggest rival.

So, there’s my opinions for the team, but, as I said, its just an opinion. Arsene Wenger is a great manager and he knows the team better than anyone else. We will keep supporting him regarding whoever he brings in this summer.


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